Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The World Communicates-Physics Essay Example
The World Communicates-Physics Paper The wave model can be utilized to clarify how current advances move data. Depict the vitality changes required in one of the accompanying: * Mobile Telephone Mobile phones have worked in amplifiers that changes sound waves ib Describe waves as an exchange of vitality aggravation that may happen in one, a few measurements, contingent upon the idea of the wave and the medium Identify that mechanical waves require a vehicle for engendering while electromagnetic waves don't Mechanical: Requires a mode for proliferation (ie. Travel through) Eg. Sound Waves, Water Waves, Waves in a string .. Electromagnetic: Do not require a mechanism for proliferation (ie. EM Waves can go through a vacuum) Eg. Light, Infrared, UV, X beams, Gamma Rays, Radio waves, Microwaves .. Characterize and apply the accompanying terms of the wave model: Medium, dislodging, adequacy, period, pressure, rarefaction, peak, trough, transverse waves, longitudinal waves, recurrence, frequency speed. Portray the connection between molecule movement and the heading of vitality engendering in transverse and longitudinal waves Quantify the connection between speed, recurrence and frequency v=f? Where v = speed, f = recurrence ? = frequency (lambda) Features of a wave model can be utilized to represent the properties of sound. Distinguish that sound waves are vibrations or motions of particles in a medium Relate compressions and rarefactions of sound waves to the peaks and troughs of transverse waves used to speak to them Explain subjectively that pitch is identified with recurrence and volume to plentifulness of sound waves Explain a reverberation as an impression of a sound wave Describe the rule of superposition and contrast the subsequent waves with the first waves in sound We will compose a custom paper test on The World Communicates-Physics explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on The World Communicates-Physics explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The World Communicates-Physics explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The World Communicates-Physics The World Communicates-Physics The World Communicates-Physics
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The General Electric Company Essay example -- Technology, Investment
The General Electric Company shortened as GE is among the principle extended innovation, broad communications and financial administrations companies globally. The base camp is in a town known as Schenectady in New York and in Fairfield, CT. It capacities by means of 11 center regions, they incorporate GE Advanced Materials, GE Consumer and Industrial, GE Energy; GE Healthcare, GE Infrastructure, GE Transportation, NBC Universal (80 percent possessed by GE), GE Commercial Finance, GE Consumer and GE Insurance. GE is a worldwide and capacities in more than 100 nations comprehensively and makes around 45 percent of its livelihoods from the US. Through the advancement of its more than 110 years of innovation, GE has amassed more than 67,500 copyrights, and the organization's researchers have been presented with two Nobel Prizes and a few different distinctions. History The relic of the General Electric (GE) Company includes an essential part of the vestige of innovation inside the outskirts of US. GE has advanced from the home research center having a place with Thomas Edison into perhaps the greatest enterprise inside the world, ensuing to the improvement of electrical innovation from the humblest beginning introductions into the 21st century ‘s cutting edge divination. The organization has correspondingly advanced into a company, with an aggregate move from innovation to administrations, and with 11 fundamental working units. Swot examination Qualities All inclusive affirmation: GE has put resources into the world market along these lines accomplishing general affirmation for its restrictive stocks. Forbes magazine, I... ...nal companies, GE needs to grapple with such issues and oversee them productively. Mechanical Analysis: Machinery in the contemporary world is advancing at a huge pace. Spearheading stocks are continually being acclimated using innovation that is further developed each day. More seasoned innovation is in this manner being out of date at an amazingly raised rate transversely all sections in the economy. Heading for surpassing contenders, a few organizations have gone to oddity, research and development, which have come about in redesigned statures of innovation. The level of innovation movement universally varies with every republic that GE has wandered into as they vary in regards to assets availabilities. Among the republics with the highest level of innovation movement is Japan and US in which GE has put resources into (General Electric, 2009).
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Fac Dinners
Stud/Fac Dinners The 2006 Class Council is responsible for planning and executing many things: Career Fair Senior Gift Senior Ball Side note: Check out the hilarious Senior Ball Survival Guide, with advice on topics like How to Set Up a Friend as a Favor How to Set Up Two of Your Friends How to Avoid Being Set Up How to Pin a Boutonniere What to do if you get an ugly corsage How to Treat a Pimple How to Properly Apply Cologne How to Save Your Date from Choking How to Buy Someone a Drink How to Get Someone to Buy You a Drink Clearly, class council is busy. The best thing our class council has thought of, in my opinion, are these student faculty dinners. **2007 Student Faculty Dinners** Get excited! Because from now until October 15th, you can take out an MIT faculty member to a nice dinner out on the town, paid for by the 07 class council! :-) Take this amazing opportunity to interact more closely with some of your favorite professors from over your past four years at MIT! In other words, to encourage you to hang out with faculty outside of the classroom/lab, our council pays up to $25 per person for dinner. Last semester, when we received a similar email, my friends and I spent the next few hours (well, days, sort of) trying to persuade each other to go with our own personal favorite faculty member. Last year, I ate with two friends and an economist, so I think I should branch out into other schools for this dinner. On my short list at the moment, Ive a world-renowned-but-totally-awesome life scientist, a world-renowned-but-totally-awesome game theorist, and a world-renowned-but-totally-awesome architect. Will keep you updated
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Analysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost, The Faerie Queene
10) Discuss how any one long poem (Paradise Lost, The Faerie Queene) or two shorter poems reflect and/or engage with contemporary political and/or religious upheaval. 2500 words. John Milton (1608-1674) was an English poet, historian and pamphleteer who was very much engaged in both contemporary political and religion. During his life Milton was politically vocal about a number of issues: Church hierarchy, Catholicism, The Civil War and the Monarchy. Milton in his earlier life was born into a middle class family in London and had his education carefully scaffolded by his father who at the age of ten hired a personal tutor by the name of Thomas Young – a Scotsman and graduate of St. Andrews University. It is believed that Young was a†¦show more content†¦Due to the King’s strong will it was often the case Parliament disagreed with the Kings view and vice versa, with the vast amount of conflict going on at this time it is understandable why Parliament would eventually go to battle with the Monarchy. This essay will explain how these issues affected Milton’s influences and views and inherently how they influenced his work. The two short poems I will discuss are ‘I Did but Prompt the Age to Quit Their Clogs (1945-6)’ and ‘To the Lord General Cromwell’ (1952). Both poems I feel are appropriate examples of Milton’s Political and Religious views as they both have very prominent underlying historical backgrounds and contexts in which give the reader an insight to the events taking place. The first poem this essay will discuss is ‘I Did but Prompt the Age to Quit Their Clogs’ a poem written in response to the newly established and enforced laws on divorce in which he was actively involved in and had produced many pamphlets on. The reason for Milton’s lively interaction with such a topic is due to his own unhappy first marriage to his wife, â€Å"Milton’s poem is a public reaction to new political laws and regulations on behalf of his own self-interest and hisShow MoreRelatedEnglish As A Waste Of Time Essay1575 Words  | 7 Pagesour company s status. Good grammar and spelling were very essential in these reports since any incorrect information could misconstrue the data and reflect poorly on upper management s presentation. Many employees appreciated my expertise and I was even offered a job by my boss to tutor his children in English. Using English as a Purchasing Agent My second and current job is working as a purchasing agent for a erospace and transportation parts. Export is the key to this company s business and
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
United States Interagency Council On Homelessness
In recent years, the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) have identified rapid re-housing as a critical strategy to meeting the national goal of ending family homelessness by 2020 (USICH 2013). As noted in a recent update of Opening Doors, the federal plan to end homelessness, [US Department of Health and Human Services], HUD, [the US Department of Veterans Affairs], and USICH have joined forces to promote expansion of rapid re-housing as a part of community coordinated systemsï‚ ¼ (USICH 2013). Rapid re-housing, an intervention that helps homeless families exit shelters and get back into permanent housing quickly, provides short-term help with housing expenses (e.g., rent arrears, ongoing rent assistance, moving costs) and case management focused on housing stability. Rapid re-housing is a relatively new but, as early evidence shows, promising strategy that communities across the country are adopti ng. The emphasis on rapid re-housing represents a significant shift in the response to family homelessness toward a Housing First philosophy. Increased attention on rapid re-housing, accompanied by an influx of resources, and expansion of programs, elicits urgent need for more rigorous evaluation, some of which is already underway. There is a small, but growing, body of evidence on the efficacy of rapid re-housing. Drawing on program data and early findings from evaluations in progress, this briefShow MoreRelatedHomelessness : An Aspect Of Society1300 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish B: Argumentative Essay Homelessness is an aspect of society, which most people chose not to acknowledge. With the increasing amount of issues the United States faces, homelessness tends to be forgotten when the time comes for the government to establish what issues they should assist. Due to the substantial amount of issues the government concerns itself with, homelessness does not receive the necessary attention required and is improperly handled. In today’s society poverty-stricken individualsRead MoreEssay on The Causes Of Homelessness In The U898 Words  | 4 Pages   The Causes of Homelessness in the U.S           Nawaf Saif Almoeini Alex Westbrook University Preparatory Program January 16th, 2015  â€Å"In 2010, †¦ the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness issued a comprehensive plan to eradicate homelessness for all people through interagency collaboration and aligning mainstream services. A key goal is to prevent and end homelessness for all families, youth, and children within 10 years† (Bassuk, 2010, P.496). Homelessness is a situation thatRead MoreHomelessness Intervention Paper : Homelessness1134 Words  | 5 PagesHomelessness Intervention Paper Identify the problem Poverty and homelessness are connected when individuals, families and the working poor attempt to live below the poverty threshold. The underprivileged and those living under the poverty threshold are â€Å"frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care, and education†( Housing accounts for a major percentage of income and often must be eliminated. â€Å"Two issues that contribute to increasing povertyRead MoreHomelessness And Poverty Are Inextricably Linked920 Words  | 4 PagesIdentify the problem â€Å"Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked. Poor people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care, and education. Difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities. Often it is housing, which absorbs a high proportion of income that must be dropped. If you are poor, you are essentially an illness, an accident, or a paycheck away from living on the streets. Two factors help account for increasing poverty:Read MoreHomelessness in America Essay1783 Words  | 8 PagesHomelessness in America Each country in the world is faced with various social issues that attract the interests of society and the government. Homelessness is an enormous issue that America has been dealing with for years. There are millions of people, including children, families, veterans, and the elderly who go day to day without food, water or any form of shelter. Mentally ill people also have a rough time out on the streets due to their state of confusion, which makes it dangerous for themRead MoreThe Problem Of Homeless People1278 Words  | 6 Pagesveterans, and the elderly (Home aid). 44,359 homeless people and the 26% of Angeleno residents who live in poverty -- and who are falling into homelessness at the rate of 13,000 a month†(Homeless. Hungry. Help.) ,lozz.oThis quote is important because it is true. There isn’t enough housing in America for all the homeless people we have, and not all all states have Being homeless is not a joke, and it’s not something you should treat someone with disrespect for. Even if a person is homeless and itRead MoreHomeless People : The Homeless1265 Words  | 6 Pageshomeless people in Baltimore and advocates some solutions to end this issue. Although we will suggest some policies and solutions that can be helpful for the homeless people. Baltimore’s homeless population has been increased in recent years. Public, state and local government should be involved and their participation would be required to fulfill those programs. First, the government must assist community and most importantly to ensure that those solutions that they will create are long-term goals.Read MoreSustainable Development : The World Health Organization853 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"According to the United Nations, sustainable development is the process of developing land, cities, business, communities and so on, so that the result â€Å"meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs†(Holtz, 2017, p.436). There is a need to plan for the sustainability for the future, as generations come and go. The focus should be on not only health, but the environment to support the health needs of a global population. The WorldRead MoreThe Different Types of Homelessness755 Words  | 4 Pagesconsidered a homeless category. Thousands of shelters exist across the country and they all share one common goal, to shelter the homeless. Sheltered homelessness refers to the category of homeless persons using emergency or transitional housing. â€Å"Transitional housing programs provide temporary residenceâ€â€up to 24 monthsâ€â€for people experiencing homelessness. Housing is combined with wrap-around services to assist the individual with developing stability in their lives†(Topics). Transitional housingRead MoreSolution Of Homelessness In Canada1102 Words  | 5 PagesDevelopment (Henry et al., 2016), over 500,000 people were homeless in the United States on one given night in January 2016. The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness reported that 35,000 people were homeless in Canada around the same time and that at least 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness at some point in a year (Gaetz et al., 2016). Although both the U.S. and Canada have made some effort toward reducing and ending homelessness, it clearly still remains a serious problem in both countries. While
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Security Investigation Free Essays
Part I. The availability of the personal computer or PC at every home and every office desktop, and the dawn of the Internet brought to focus not only the benefits derived from these technologies but abuse and to a greater extent, crimes as well. Suddenly, cybercrime is at an all time high and ways and means of detecting and making these criminal hackers pay became a forefront competence in information technology and law enforcement. We will write a custom essay sample on The Security Investigation or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of the best deterrents to computer crime is to catch those who commit the dastardly acts (Solomon Prosise, 2001)! Of all the types of criminal hackers, the worse is the â€Å"insider†– a current employee or a former â€Å"disgruntled employee†– since they are or were in a â€Å"trust relationship†with their employer, and they demeaned that trust by attacking the information systems of the company. When this type of crime, or cybercrime, occurs, the recourse is to call in computer forensics and incident response professionals to remedy the situation. Solomon et al. (2005) describes computer forensics as, â€Å"Computer investigation and analysis techniques that involve the identification, preservation, extraction, documentation, and interpretation of computer data to determine potential legal evidence.†Once there is a probable determination that a cybercrime was committed, the computer forensics and incident response experts follow a well-choreograph methodology to successfully document evidence and prosecute a cybercrime. Robbins (2002) lists down the basic but critical procedures to computer forensics: 1.Protect the subject computer system during the forensic examination from any possible alteration, damage, data corruption, or virus introduction; 2.Discover all files on the subject system including existing normal files, deleted yet remaining files, hidden files, password-protected files, and encrypted files; 3.Recover as much as possible all of discovered deleted files; 4.Reveal to the extent possible the contents of hidden files as well as temporary or swap files used by both the application programs and the operating system; 5.Access, if possible and if legally appropriate, the contents of protected or encrypted files; 6.Analyze all possibly relevant data found in special and typically inaccessible areas of a disk including but not limited to the ‘unallocated’ space on a disk, as well as ‘slack’ space in a file; 7.Print an overall analysis of the subject computer system, including listing of all possibly relevant files and discovered file data, then provide an opinion of the system layout, the file structures discovered, any discovered data and authorship information, any attempts to hide, delete, protect, encrypt information, and anything else that has been discovered and appears to be relevant to the overall computer system examination; and 8.Provide expert consultation and/or testimony, as required. While the experts are doing the investigation, it is important to liaise and coordinate, depending upon the legal parameters of the crime, with local or federal cybercrime units. In some states in the U.S., it is a federal crime not to report computer crimes and soon, reporting of cybercrimes will be federally mandated. But the key point in cybercrime investigation is ensuring that the evidence gathered will stand up to legal scrutiny. Part II. A common story heard about cybercrimes is the use of â€Å"social engineering techniques.†Social engineering basically is playing the â€Å"con man†to elicit information from gullible or unknowing victims. A Help Desk employee for example can call a secretary and ask for her password since he needs it to diagnose her PC remotely. Since there is a â€Å"trust relationship†already, the secretary gives her PC password. The Help Desk employee then accessed the secretary’s PC and downloaded confidential memos and reports. He then sells these documents to competitors and the competitors ended up gaining advantage on the Help Desk employee’s company because they already have insider information. A case like this could have been prevented if the company, or even any government agency, had good security policies in place. Part of the security policies would have been user education training and if the user’s had been properly trained, they would have known that nobody needs to know their passwords but themselves. In securing the information systems, the baseline or starting point is having good security policies in place and these policies should and must be based on globally accepted standards and industry best practices. The ISO 17799 or Code of Practice for Information Security Management (ISO/IEC, 2005) is always one of the best standards to adapt whether small, medium or large enterprises – even government agencies for that matter! Shaurette (2002) stated that, â€Å"Information security is not just about technological controls. Security cannot be achieved solely through the application of software or hardware. Any attempt to implement technology controls without considering the cultural and social attitudes of the corporation is a formula for disaster.†Once this has been taken into mind, mitigation of risks to the information systems will be achieved and prevention of cybercrimes, whether from malicious insiders or external criminal hackers, will be tempered. How to cite The Security Investigation, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Monet Painting And Impressionism Essay Example For Students
Monet Painting And Impressionism Essay Monets Impression: Sunrise is a famous and prime example of Impressionism. The impressionist style of painting is characterized by concentration on the general impression produced by a scene as an object and the use of unmixed primary colors and small strokes to simulate actual reflected light. WebMuseum Impressionist paintings use light and color to imitate a certain setting or reality. In both novels, Vile Bodies and Brighton Rock, there is an impressionistic feel to them. There is a sense of darkness and unclearness as one reads along, but have an element of light that is present throughout. The light in these novels are represented through characters. In Vile Bodies, the story is one of nothingness, meaninglessness. None of the characters have an objective reality, its all subjective. The reality is different to each character. There are concessions to nothing outside the self. Their lives are portrayed as wasted, as if there is no other purpose to them than to be part of a society that emphasizes the importance of money and social gatherings, in other words, a social satire. One source of light in this novel is Mrs. Ape and her angels. They serve as a religious element in a world that is existentialism at its best. Brighton Rock is a detective story, a who done it. Naturally, being that it is a detective story, there is a dark quality to it. Detective films fall into the film noire genre, because of the dark element. Rose is the light, it is present with her. Throughout the novel, along with the murders and crime solving, Rose is the balance, the light. Her good balances with her husbands , Pinkies, evil. Pinkie seems to be incomplete without Rose. Monets painting seems to be incomplete, or unfinished. And like the painting, Rose is the stroke of color, that reflects light in the novel. Being that they are married, which is a holy institution, makes her different from the unmarried characters, i.e. Ida, Charles, etc. Rose is the bonding element in her marriage to Pinkie. The comment made by Castagnary, in the test booklet, They are impressionists in that they do not render a landscape, but the sensation produced by the landscapeThere they take leave of reality and enter the realms of idealism, has a connection to the life portrayed in Vile Bodies. The landscape sensation, which is the world and lives of the characters, is produced by the meaningless conversation, relationships, and subjective mentality of the characters. In the essay by Paul Tillich, The Meaning of Meaninglessness, it states that, Heman has sacrificed himself to his own productions He who is in the grip of doubt and meaninglessness cannot liberate himself from this grip, but he asks for an answer which is valid and not outside the situation of his despair. This is the case for Adam. He is searching for something that is not outside of the satirical world that he is trapped in, created by Waugh, constructed as an example of what the world has become or what the world is soon to become. The authors, as like Monet and other Impressionist painters, have an artistic vision that is expressed through strokes and color and a reality, or lack thereof. In the novels, the strokes are the characters, and the color is the role that the character plays in the world created by the author. All the elements come together to form a world, created by the artist, either with paint or words.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Fibromyalgia Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Tender Points free essay sample
Fibromyalgia: Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Tender Points BY Jkush374 Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points. Tender points refers to tenderness that occurs in precise, localized areas, particularly in the neck, spine, shoulders, and hips. People with this syndrome may also experience sleep disturbances, morning stiffness, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and other symptoms. Fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million Americans. It primarily occurs in women of childbearing age, but hildren, the elderly, and men can also be affected. Although the cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, researchers have several theories about what causes or triggers the disorder. Some scientists believe that the syndrome may be caused by an injury or trauma. This injury may affect the central nervous system. Fibromyalgia may be associated with changes in muscle metabolism, such as decreased blood flow, causing fatigue and decreased strength. Others believe the syndrome may be triggered by an infectious agent such as a virus in susceptible people but no such agent has been identified. We will write a custom essay sample on Fibromyalgia: Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Tender Points or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose because many of the symptoms mimic those of other disorders. The physician reviews the patients medical history and makes a diagnosis of fibromyalgia based on a history of chronic widespread pain that persists for more than 3 months. The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has developed criteria for fibromyalgia that physicians can use in diagnosing the disorder. According to ACR criteria, a person is considered to have fibromyalgia if he or she has widespread pain in combination with tenderness in at least 11 of 18 specific tender point sites. The 18 Tender points are at the base of the skull beside the spinal column; at the base of the neck in the back; on the top of the shoulder toward the back; on the breastbone; on the outer edge of the forearm about 2 cm below the elbow; over the shoulder blade; at the top of the hip; on the outside of the hip; and on the fat pad over the knee. Some other symptoms include pain, fatigue, memory and concentration impairment, sleep disorders, exercise difficulties, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic headaches, Jaw pain, and others to many to list here. Treatment of fibromyalgia requires a wide-ranging approach. The physician, physical therapist, and patient may all play an active role in the management of fibromyalgia. Studies have shown that aerobic exercise, such as swimming and walking, improve muscle fitness and reduce muscle pain and tenderness. Heat and massage may also give short-term relief. Anti-depressant medications may help elevate mood, improve quality of sleep, and relax muscles. Patients with fibromyalgia may benefit from a combination of exercise, medication, physical therapy, and relaxation. Common sleep-aid medications include Ambien, Lunesta, clonazepam, orepinephrine are commonly prescribed in low doses for the treatment of fibromyalgia, Examples include amitriptyline, cyclobenzaprine, Cymbalta, and Savella. The pain medication Ultram may help with the treatment of fibromyalgia pain also. In addition to medications some other treatments that can be preformed to help alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia, these include trigger point injections with lidocaine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture/acupressure, relaxation/biofeedback techniques, osteopathic manipulation, chiropractic care, therapeutic massage, and a gentle exercise program. As you can see fibromyalgia is very difficult to diagnose and to treat. Also from everything to I have read on it there is no specific reason on how the disease started or what caused it or any glaring factor that can be concentrated on how to treat fibromyalgia. This is exactly why many suffers from the disease feel helpless and scared cause they dont know what course of action to take to help alleviate their pain. Because of the on going pain and seemingly no answers as to why it is happing or what is causing it, many suffers start to feel as if they Just have to live with the pain and that it is normal. Which in turn is not good for the suffers mental state of mind. My aunt was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and few years ago and I can see how the on going pain and lack of a specific reason for the pain has affected her both physically and mentally, not to mention the many number of medications that she has been prescribed that have not helped. Although this is not a deadly disease it can affect people very profoundly. With on going research I hope that one day soon they will find a cause and a cure, and at the least away to help alleviate the symptoms of this disease to bring some relief to its suffers.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Copper Age Cemetery
Varna Bulgaria - Eneolithic/Copper Age Cemetery Varna is the name of a Eneolithic/Late Copper Age cemetery located in northeastern Bulgaria, slightly inland of the Black Sea and north of the Varna Lakes. The cemetery was used for about century between 4560-4450 BC. Excavations at the site have revealed a total of nearly 300 graves, within an area of approximately 7,500 square meters (81,000 square feet or approximately 2 acres). To date, the cemetery has not been found to be associated with a settlement: the closest human occupation of the same date consists of 13 pile-based lake dwellings, located near Varna Lakes and thought to be of approximately the same period. However, no connection to the cemetery has been established as of yet. Grave goods from Varna included an enormous amount of goldwork, a total of over 3,000 gold objects weighing more than 6 kilograms (13 pounds). In addition, 160 copper objects, 320 flint artifacts, 90 stone objects and more than 650 clay vessels have been found. In addition, over 12,000 dentalium shells and about 1,100 Spondylus shell ornaments were also recovered. Also collected were red tubular beads made from carnelian. Most of these artifacts were recovered from elite burials. Elite Burials Of the 294 graves, a handful were clearly high status or elite burials, probably representing chiefs. Burial 43, for example, included 990 gold artifacts weighing 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) alone. Stable isotope data suggests that the people at Varna consumed both terrestrial (millet) and marine resources: human remains associated with the richest burials (43 and 51) had isotope signatures that indicated higher percentage consumption of marine protein. A total of 43 of the graves are cenotaphs, symbolic graves containing no human remains. Some of these contained clay masks with gold objects placed in what would be the location of eyes, mouth, nose and ears. AMS radiocarbon dates on animal and human bones from burial contexts returned calibrated dates between 4608-4430 BC; but most artifacts of this type date to the later Eneolithic period, suggesting that the Black Sea location was a center of social and cultural innovation. Archaeology The Varna cemetery was discovered in 1972 and excavated well into the 1990s by Ivan S. Ivanov of the Varna Museum, G. I. Georgiev and M. Lazarov. The site has not been as yet been completely published, although a handful of scientific articles have appeared in English language journals. Sources This article is a part of the guide to the Chalcolithic, and the Dictionary of Archaeology. Gaydarska B, and Chapman J. 2008. The aesthetics or colour and brilliance - or why were prehistoric persons interested in rocks, minerals, clays and pigments? In: Kostov RI, Gaydarska B, and Gurova M, editors. Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy: Proceedings of the International Conference. Sofia: Publishing House St. Ivan Rilski. p 63-66. Higham T, Chapman J, Slavchev V, Gaydarska B, Honch NV, Yordanov Y, and Dimitrova B. 2007. New perspectives on the Varna cemetery (Bulgaria) – AMS dates and social implications. Antiquity 81(313):640-654. Honch NV, Higham TFG, Chapman J, Gaydarska B, and Hedges REM. 2006. A palaeodietary investigation of carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) in human and faunal bones from the Copper Age cemeteries of Varna I and Durankulak, Bulgaria. Journal of Archaeological Science 33:1493-1504. Renfrew C. 1978. Varna and the social context of early metallurgy. Antiquity 52(206):199-203.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Biology - Essay Example Each of these topics is discussed in the report as follows. 1. Central Jersey Blood Center: With a vision to provide supply of blood to people in need, the Central Jersey Blood Center has three centers in New Jersey for the donation of blood. The blood that is collected through these centers is primarily meant for use in the area hospitals. The blood donated can be of use to the premature babies, victims of burns, cancer patients, patients suffering from heart diseases, and any other patient who would be in the need of blood. Some of the hospitals whom the Central Jersey Blood Center provides with blood supply are Bayshore Community Hospital in Holmdel, Ocean Medical Center in Brick, Kimball Medical Center in Lakewood, among others (Central New Jersey’s blood center: Three blood donor centers and blood drives save lives). Thus the Central Jersey Blood Center can be understood to perform a significant role through their collection and supply of blood to the needy patients in th e hospitals in the area. 2. HIV and AIDS: AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is caused by the HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. An infection caused by the virus later develops in to the syndrome. An individual infected with the virus is referred to as HIV positive. Although symptoms might not be visible even if the infection has occurred, treatment is necessary. If treatment is not considered timely, the infection might result in AIDS. The disease affects the immune system of a body. The immune system of the infected individual fails and the count of cells becomes lesser than that of a normal human being. AIDS may not kill a person. However, a person having AIDS may suffer from other diseases and death might occur as a result of the person not being able to fight the disease (Stolley, Kathy S. & John E. Glass, 3-5). Thus AIDS caused by HIV can be understood to be a syndrome that completely destroys the immune system of the human body. 3. St. Francis Counseling Center on Abusive Relationships: St. Francis Psychotherapy and Counseling Center is a center for counseling that deals with providing solutions to relationships involving troubles, or when abusive behavior tends to impact the people who are bonded in a relationship or a family. This might even include child abuses. This counseling center provides counseling measures irrespective of the background of the family or of the individuals who come for help. The center makes use of different therapies for their psychotherapy and counseling techniques. Such therapies include understanding what the problem is and what causes a relation to involve abusive attitude in it. Depending on such counseling and understanding of the nature of the problem, further therapies and problem solution measures are applied by the center to improve the relationship (St. Francis Psychotherapy and Counseling Center). Thus St. Francis Psychotherapy and Counseling Center can be understood to be an efficient center of counseli ng benefiting several families and relationships suffering from abusive behavior and leading to improvement. 4. Family Planning Services and Features: The Family Planning Center of Ocean County provides with the reproductive health care facilities for women and teenagers (About Us). This center also helps college students through several educational services. They intend to create awareness among the teenagers and the college students and thus provide with teachings on various issues related to the reproductive systems. The different topics on which the center provides educational services thus helping the college students as well, include abstinence, contraception and the associated risks and benefits, sexually transmitted infections, HIV and the risks
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Discussion Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Discussion Question - Assignment Example However, given that one third of cancer cases can be traced to lifestyle, some cases can actually be prevented through adoption of healthy behavioural and dietary habits. To this end, the global health agencies have embarked on a sensetization campaign aimed at reducing cancer deaths by 8 million within a decade. Although numerous studies have been conducted to establish the real cause of cancer, none has given a definitive answer to this problem. Several factors both genetic and environmental are pointed out as likely causes. However, it is important to note that less than 9% of cancer cases are as a result of inheritance. Most cases are due to mutation of oncogenes caused by environmental elements such as cigarettes, alcohol, radiations and chemicals. In this regard, cancer is defined as a disease caused by uncontrolled growth and multiplication of body cells (Raymond, 2007). Through cell division and growth, the body is able to produce more cells needed for healthy existence. Howe ver, in some instances, the abnormal cell division and growth occurs leading to production of many cells some of which are not needed by the body. These extra cells gather to form either benign or malignant tumor. However, a benign tumor does not pose health risk because they do not move to other parts of the body. In the contrary malign tumors also known as cancerous cells multiply and damage neighboring tissues. In addition, they can separate from parent organ and spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph. With regard to cancer, diagnosis refers to the process of trying to establish whether the disease is actually cancer and its possible causes. It involves the removal of tissues from affected organs by a surgeon for examination under microscope by a pathologist. There are various types biopsy conducted on cancer suspects depending on the part of body being examined. When a needle is used to suck fluid from tumor cell, then the process is referred to as needle aspiration biopsy. Other types include excisional biopsy where the whole tissue is removed and incisional biopsy where part of the tissue is detached. After the diagnosis has been done, the process of examining its extent (staging) follow. This process is essential because it helps in determining the stage of cancer. There are four cancer stages often written in Roman numbers. Stage I imply that the tumor is small usually less than 2cm and still confined in the organ. Stage II cancer is bigger, usually 2-4 cm has not started spreading. Stage III cancer means the tumor is more than 4cm and has began spreading to the lymph nodes. Finally, stage IV means cancer has spread to other body organs Besides, staging help the physician to determine the type of tumor, check the spread, prescribe suitable treatment and predict the patient future outlook (Susan, Marsha and Margaret, 2009). Staging is preceded by clinical investigations such as surgery, blood test and medical scanning. Radiation i maging is the most common method used in staging. This can be done through Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computerized Tomography (CT) scans. Cancer like all other diseases is associated with various general and specific complications. Among the most prevalent complications is a neurological condition called brain metastases. It is estimated that 23% of cancer patients are affected by this condition. It is brought about by the spreading of tumors from other organs to the brain. Some of its side effects
Monday, January 27, 2020
Helicobacter Pylori: Pathogenesis, Symptoms and Incubation
Helicobacter Pylori: Pathogenesis, Symptoms and Incubation Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are a type of intestinal bacteria (spiral-shaped gram-negative) that cause the majority of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. They thrive in highly acidic environments and have a unique way of adapting to the harsh environment of the stomach. H. pylori have been classified as low-potential carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) by the World Health Organization. The Life Cycle (Pathogenesis) of Helicobacter pylori H. pylori are able to survive in stomach acid because they produce enzymes (special proteins) that neutralize the acid. This mechanism allows H. pylori bacteria to enter the stomach and make their way to the safe area the protective mucous lining of the stomach wall. When the bacterium is in the mucous lining of the stomach, the bodys natural defenses cannot reach it. The immune system will respond to an H. pylori infection but will not be able to kill the bacteria since they are hidden in the stomach lining. The immune system will keep sending infection fighters to the infection site and H. pylori will feed on the nutrients provided by the body, allowing them (the bacteria) to survive in the stomach environment. H. pylori weaken the protective mucous coating of the stomach and duodenum, allowing the stomach acid to get through to the sensitive lining beneath. Both the acid and the bacteria irritate the lining, causing gastritis (stomach inflammation) and perhaps the formation of an ulcer within a few days of the initial infection. Ironically, it may not be the H. pylori bacteria, but the inflammation response to the bacteria, that causes the ulcer to form. The series of steps the pathogenic mechanisms that H. pylori go through when establishing themselves in the stomach are as follows: Attachment The H. pylori bacteria must enter the stomach and attach themselves to the lining of the stomach to establish an environment in which to grow. Toxin production H. pylori produce poisonous substances to increase the secretion of water and electrolytes in the stomach and cause cell death in the cells of the stomach lining. This will help the bacteria take over the stomach environment and will lessen the competition for required nutrients. Cell invasion The bacteria will enter the stomach lining cells for protection and will then kill the cells they are in (their host cells) so that they can move on to invade more stomach-lining cells. This process will continue, thus creating tissue damage. This tissue damage will become the ulcer formation in the stomach. Loss of microvilli/villi The substances released into the host cell during the Cell Invasion step cause a change in the stomach-lining cells. This change results in fewer calories getting absorbed by the stomach. The consequence? The body will get fewer nutrients from the food eaten at every meal. Ulcers occur when there is a break down in the mucous layer lining the stomach, allowing the gastric (stomach) acid and digestive enzymes to attack and aggravate the actual stomach muscle. Helicobacter pylori contribute to this breakdown by living in this layer and increasing the chances of it breaking down. Stress and diet may irritate an ulcer, but do not cause it. Symptoms and incubation time of an H. pylori infection Getting an H. pylori infection is nothing like catching a common cold in that immediate consequences of an infection are rarely seen. In fact, it is possible to go many years without noticeable symptoms. When symptoms do occur, abdominal discomfort is the most common. This discomfort is usually a dull, gnawing ache that comes and goes for several days or weeks. It usually occurs two to three hours after a meal or in the middle of the night (when the stomach is empty) and is relieved by eating, drinking milk or taking antacid medications. Other symptoms include: heartburn, increased burping, weight loss, bloating and burping, and less common symptoms include: poor appetite, nausea and vomiting. If you suspect that you have an ulcer and experience any of the following symptoms, a doctor should be called right away. Sharp, sudden, persistent stomach pain Bloody or black stools Bloody vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds The above symptoms could be signs of a serious problem, such as: Perforation when the ulcer burrows through the stomach or duodenal wall. Bleeding when acid or the ulcer breaks a blood vessel. Obstruction when the ulcer blocks the path of food trying to leave the stomach. Epidemiology Infection with H. pylori occurs worldwide, but the prevalence varies greatly among countries and among population groups within the same country. The overall prevalence of H. pylori infection is strongly correlated with socioeconomic conditions. The prevalence among middle-aged adults is over 80 percent in many developing countries, as compared with 20 to 50 percent in industrialized countries. Prevalence of infection is higher in developing countries than that of developed nations. In developed countries,although overall prevalance of infection in young children is Helicobacter pylori infection is common in the Indian subcontinent. Exposure occurs in childhood and approximately 80% of adults have been infected at some time. Sero-surveys indicate a seroprevalence of 22%-57% in children under the age of five, increasing to 80%-90% by the age of 20, and remaining constant thereafter. There is now evidence from epidemiological studies that H pylori carriers have a significantly greater risk for the development of gastric cancer. Results from three prospective epidemiological studies10-12 estimate that H pylori carriers have a 2.8- to 6.0-fold increased risk of gastric cancer developing over mean follow-up periods of 6 to 16 years when compared with their H pylori-negative counterparts. The overall mean risk was calculated to be 3.8.13 This odds ratio increased to 8.7 in those who were diagnosed 15 years or more after testing positive for H pylori. H. pylori infection- treatment Ulcers caused by H. pylori can usually be cured with a one or two-week course of antibiotics. Treatment usually involves a combination of antibiotics, acid suppressors, and stomach protectors. Acid suppression by the H2 blocker or proton pump inhibitor in conjunction with the antibiotics helps alleviate ulcer-related symptoms, helps heal gastric mucosal inflammation and may enhance the effectiveness of the antibiotics against H. pylori at the gastric mucosal surface. The use of only one medication to treat H. pylori is not recommended. At this time, the most proven effective treatment is a two-week course of treatment called triple therapy. It involves taking two antibiotics to kill the bacteria and either an acid suppressor or stomach-lining protector to protect the stomach lining. Two-week triple therapy reduces ulcer symptoms, kills the bacteria, and prevents ulcer recurrence in more than 90 percent of patients, but, unfortunately, patients may find triple therapy complicated beca use it involves taking as many as twenty pills a day. The antibiotics used in triple therapy may cause mild side effects such as: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dark stools, metallic taste in the mouth, dizziness, headache, and yeast infections in women. Marketted formulation available in India for H.pylori infection Brand name Chemicals Company HELIBACT combi-pack Omeprazole 20 mg,amoxycillin 750mg,tinidazole 500mg. RPG LS HELIKIT kit Omeprazole(1cap) 20 mg,amoxycillin(1 tab) 750mg,tinidazole(1 tab) 500mg. Zydus cadila L-COT kit 1 cap Omeprazole 20mg,1 tab Clarithromycin 250mg,tinidazole 500mg LUPIN PYLOKIT kit 2 caps of lansoprazole 30mg,2 tabs of tinidazole 500mg,2 tabs of clarithromycin 250mg CIPLA ZOVANTA kit 2 tabs of amoxicillin 750mg,2 tabs of tinidazole 500mg,2 tabs of pantoprazole 40mg Dr.Reddys
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Analysis of Twain’s on the Decay of the Art of Lying
Critical Analysis On the Decay of the Art of Lying by Mark Twain â€Å"Lying is universal – we all do it. †In the essay, the author believes that all men lie because we must lie. There are many instances wherein men were prompted to lie at some point of their lives for the benefit of others. According to him, it’s better to give a good lie than a destructive truth. Lying for other’s advantage was given precedence than telling the truth at all times no matter how it hurts. Unfortunately, lying is easily covered with different alibis and given little thought of how destructive it might become on the long run. Twain considers lying as a noble art. It is the fourth grace and an eternal virtue. â€Å"Judicious lying is what the world needs,†he said. He’d sometimes think that it’s better not to lie if the lie will be destructive to others. For him, a habitual truth-teller [someone who speaks truthfully at all times] doesn’t exist and had never existed. The author gives us a simple look on how lying had become the fad of his generation. Even in the tiniest of things, people tend to lie. It goes to show that many are pretentious and still is today. However, the author overlooks one thing. True – a lie for the good of another might be reasonable – but lying will always be lying. Truth hurts indeed but a lie hurts even more when unveiled. As far as God is concerned, liars go to hell. A small lie can lead people to the lake of fire. Of course, God forgives sins. He forgives lying, too, so long as the person will repent from it. Avoiding lies might be hard to do with all the deception and temptation going on around but it’s not impossible. Fearing to tell the truth means that you’re afraid of what will happen to you. In order to protect one’s self from being punished or from hurting others, lying becomes the scapegoat. Eventually, it develops into a habit and you become a ‘master’ at it. For Twain, he is still a newbie in this game. He would like for this art to be cultivated in the forms of charitable and unselfish lying. Again, lying is always and has always been a manifestation of selfishness. Lastly, uttering lies won’t disappear in the years ahead but it’s elevation as a virtue might need some thinking. It is an agonizing fact that some think the same way as Twain does. The difference is that he (Twain) was able to voice out his opinions in a very artistic way through his writing while other people don’t care that much. This essay is an eye opener for all the people in this world about the art of lying. This form of art encompasses race, gender and culture. Different punishments await the liar but that never abolished it altogether. As long as people continue to let lies surround them, this art won’t be decaying soon. â€Å"For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak. †Psalm 59:12 KJV
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Philosophical Study of Morality
IntroductionOur behavior reflects on our personalities. Morality speaks of a system of action in regards to standards of right and wrong behavior. Morality describes the principle that presides our behavior. Without this principle, societies cannot survive for so long. In today's Society, morality is frequently thought of as inseparability to a particular religious point of view. Moral describes the principle that controls our behavior. In everyday living, we are witnessing such crimes of killings. But we, the citizen of this country are looking for this as the usual that happens every day. And we're not looking for the reason of those people who kill or commit crimes. We don't really know what's the reason behind it and if there's no reason, but we judge them for no reason. What is moral being instead? Judging others or committing crimes? They are saying that we are religious country and they said that the person here is also religious, but how those people commit crimes if they are really religious? Does being religious can be a Moral person? Or Does Moral principle helps us being a Religious person? The word carries the concepts of:Moral Standards with regards to behaviour;Moral responsibility, referring to our conscience; andA moral identity or one who is capable of right or wrong action. It explored the action of morality and examines how people should live their lives in relation to others.Background of the StudyAccording to www.allaboutphilosophy Morality as it relates to our behavior is important on three levels. Renowned thinker, scholar and author C.S Lewis defines them as:to ensure fair play and harmony between individuals,to help make us good people in order to have a good society,to keep us in a good relationship with the power that created us. Based on this definition, it's clear that our belief is disapproving to our moral behavior.On point 1, Professor Lewis says most reasonable people agree. By point 2, however, we begin to see problems occurring. Consider the popular philosophy â€Å"I'm not hurting anyone but myself†, frequently used to excused bad persona l choices. How can we be the good people we need to be if we persist in making these choices? Bad personal choices do hurt others. Point 3 is where most disagreement surfaces.Exposition of the problemThere are different definition of morality, first is the moral standards it explains the right and wrong behavior of a human person the second is the moral responsibility it explains the conscience or the guilt of a human person, and thirdly is the moral identity it explains that each Human have their own decision and capable of right and wrong action or doing. Morality speaks about ethnics, principles, virtue, and goodness. Morality is very complicated to explain yet; morality always depicts our behavior it controls and limits us.Is Morality Objective?According to Great moral philosopher differs about the character of morality. Immanuel Kant's influential duty-based theory of ethnics maintains that truth-telling is universally binding on all of beings. In a pristine world a crystallized moral ideals, perhaps morality could be objective and universally binding on all people. However, we live in a world of moral flux, impermanence and flexibility. And it is because of this that morality is not nor could ever be objective. -Albert Filice, Scottsdale, AZ Morality is objective. That is, moral claims are true or false about aspects of human interaction that involve the ideas of rights and obligations. Further, the fundamental moral maxims apply universally, and reasonable people can agree on their truth. -John Talley, Rutherford on, NC. Is there any way to know the difference between right and wrong? Does religion have anything left to offer? From time to time we hear that the established churches are in bafflement that too often their leaders have nothing to say that's applied and helpful where does the truth on these signify lie? The relationship between religion and morality has long been hotly debated. Does religion make us more moral? Is it Essential for morality? Does moral partiality emerge independently of religious intuitions?Philosophical ResponseA recent report in psychology today concluded â€Å"the most significant predictor of a person's moral behavior may be religious commitment. People who consider themselves very religious were least likely to report deceiving their friends having extramarital affairs, cheating on their â€Å"programmed†in each of us. This is in keeping with the writings of Paul Apostle, who points out that even those who do not believe in God frequently obey God's as given in the ten commandments, â€Å"for when gentiles, who do not have the law by nature do not have, these although not having law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing themselves†(Romans 2:14-15; NKJV). Again those who do not believe in God are left with the only possible conclusion they can come to that our decision are based solely on our need to survive, what we call our conscience based on learned behavior, rather than part of a Devine design. Many scientific researchers have failed to disintegrate â€Å"religion†and â€Å"morality†into theoretically grounded elements; have adopted illiberal conceptions of key concepts in particular, sanitized conceptions of â€Å"prosocial†behaviour; and have neglected to consider the complex interplay between cognition and culture. They argue that to make progress, the categories â€Å"religion†and â€Å"morality†must be fractionated into a set of biologically and psychologically cogent traits, revealing the cognitive foundations that acclimate and obligate relevant cultural variants. Being religious doesn't make us Moral person because we, in ourselves know if we commit mistake and if we are doing good deeds. Yes, doing right seems that you are having with the lord but doesn't mean that we are moral. Being a moral is seeing in our action not only to our faith by our god. Every one of us have different definition of god, so that being a moral person is not depending on being a religious one. The question of whether or not morality claims religion is both topical and ancient. In the Euthyphro, Socrates famously asked whether goodness is loved by the god because it is good, or whether goodness is good because it is loved by the god. Although he favoured the former proposal, many others have argued that morality is dictated by, and indeed inconceivable without God: â€Å"If god does not exist, everything is permitted†. (Dostoevsky, 1880, 1990) According to Aristotle, there are two meaning of good. There is good absolutely and there is good for somebody. The first one is he/she was doing it because it is good. And the other one is doing it for others, in short doing it for a purpose or reason. In that based, we can judge the others by doing wrong because we are all people, maybe it is right for them because it was for their love ones.ConclusionMoral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that contemplates what is right and wrong. It explores the nature of morality and examines how people should live their lives in relation to others. Almost every day, the Philippine media are always flooded with stories of horror about people getting killed. Killing in itself is very dreadful but what makes it more alarming is the fact that most of the killings that took place in the Philippines were perpetuated not by hardened criminals but by policemen who were expected to protect the welfare of the people. According to the administration, most of those killings occurred in order to protect the lives of the policemen whose lives were at stake during their encounters with criminals. These said killings call to reignite the discussion about what can be said as morally right or morally wrong through looking at the mere essence of morality in this society. Right and wrong is determined by the particular set of principles or rules the relevant culture just happens to hold at the time. Is something right (or wrong) because the gods command it, or do the gods command it because it is right? According to Rights-based Theories, We are to act in accordance with a set of moral rights, which we possess simply by being human. The right to life does not require that we give what is needed to sustain life rather merely that we refrain from taking any action that would take life.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
A Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen - 1544 Words
Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries and even including all the way up to the 21st century, there has been questions generated on the gender roles of the society. Expectations can differentiate upon the behaviors and attitudes that affect men and women within those societies. In A Doll’s House, the gender roles match those that are consistent to the real world expectations of women’s rights. Henrik Ibsen, author of A Doll’s House, uses his play to represent the traditional gender roles of the time and even go further in depth to explain the reality of it all. Gender roles are supposed to be the way males and females should talk, think, dress, and how to go about everyday life. Between the 18th and 19th centuries, present day, and the†¦show more content†¦Women were not allowed to have much of a social life because of the responsibilities that were expected to take care of. Ibsen used the characters Torvald and Nora to emphasize the typical gender role norms. The â€Å"gender script†that society self-inflicted upon us, had been taken as a norm that people were consistently tried to correct. Nora Helmer is considered to be the stereotypical wife that was there for her husband, raised the children, and also followed the society’s view of gender roles. The husband of Nora was Torvald, who was the â€Å"man†of the house and was the dominant figure. As I read the book, I connected some ideas and information together that was a lot easier to understand the gender role side of the play. The connection I made was Nora being a doll in the doll house that represented herself in the real world. The reason for that connection was because she was forced to do whatever she was moved to do, just like playing with a doll house. You had no free range of motion and you were always in the owner’s control. That would have translated to the husband being the owner. The husband controlled the women like an owner controlled the dolls. Eventually, everyone needs to identify themselves and have some individualism. During the play, there were some similarities that compared the 18th and 19th century roles to the roles that Ibsen described. Towards the beginning of the play, the commonalities that were shown would have been the man controlling the female,
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