Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Ethical Dilemmas What Should Jean Do Essay - 1551 Words
Ethical Dilemmas: What should Jean do? Jean McGuire works as a salesperson of land property in Sunrise Land Developers. Jean’s superior Wright Boazman, the sales director, described the importance and efficiency of using â€Å"deal-closing techniques†. This technique is usually used to motivate the prospect into buying the lot, because often people really want to buy a lot but hesitate at the last few minutes of signing agreements. Wright introduced the most effective closing technology termed â€Å"the other party†to salespersons in the company. As Wright explained it, when a salesperson has a prospect actually want to buy a lot, but the prospect was too slow to buy it, the salesperson’s job at the moment was to push the prospect to make purchase decision as soon as possible. The method was that the salesperson would let the prospect know a number of other salespeople were showing the lot at the same time, the lot have attracted plenty of potential customers to come visit, and it might be alr eady sold. Of cause, the salesperson was a liar, and the process of ensuring the prospect to believe was all false play. Jean did not want to cheat her prospects, as a result, her sales performance was far behind her colleagues who used the â€Å"deal-closing techniques†. The situation is made more serious by her austere life pressure if Jean does not follow Wright’s hypocritical technology. This essay states a clear analysis of ethical dilemma that Jean is facing and two ethical theories: Kant’sShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Jean Mcguire s Closing The Deal Essay1475 Words  | 6 Pagesfactors play a huge part in decisions made everyday. In the case study â€Å"Closing the Deal†, Jean McGuire is faced with an ethical dilemma, there are a number of ways this ethical dilemma can be resolved however not all options include ethical morals. Jean McGuire works for Sunrise Land Developers selling lots. Wright Boazman the sales director at the company states Jean â€Å"lacks technique†(Shaw, 2014, p. 236). Jean McGuire has a decision to make on which sales technique she is going to use, Wright usesRead MoreLegal And Social Environment Of Business Essay1240 Words  | 5 Pages Danielle Flatman 14203354 115.103 Legal and Social Environment of Business Assignment One: Ethical Dilemmas Due Date: Monday 18th August @ 6.00pm Paper Coordinator: Number of Words Used: Jean McGuire works as a land salesperson for a real estate company called Sunrise Land Developers who specialise in selling lots to prospective clients. Her clients require her to represent the lots in an accurate light. 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Other sales representative’s use it and have proven to be a success, however, it involves deceiving clients by giving misleading information, which Jean instinctively objects to. The technique is to make the interested client think that someone else is also interested inRead MoreThe Characteristics Of Jean s Ethical Dilemma Essay1851 Words  | 8 PagesChristopher Wells Student ID: 10122074 Word Count: xxxx Jean McGuire works as a sales representative for Sunrise Land Developers selling land to potential customers (hot prospects). Jean’s role as a land salesperson is to help the prospect make a decision to buy the property. When she is told by the Sales Director Wright Boazman to use a variety of effective â€Å"deal-closing techniques†, Jean realises such techniques are nothing more than a form of psychological manipulationRead More1.1.Objective Evaluation Of All Available Options. According1626 Words  | 7 Pagesbears testimony to the fact that time and again large-scale disasters happened due to the lack of ethical standards of some leaders or the other. We come to know from his research that there are two approaches to handle ‘ethical dilemma’: 1) before deciding on the course of action, assess the practical consequences likely to follow and 2) whatever be the likely consequences, do what you consider ethical. The first school of thought argues that if there is no harm, there is no foul. The second claimsRead MoreRelationship Between Facts And Theories Essay1537 Words  | 7 Pagesmorals and moral dilemmas. There are three ethical theories pertaining to judging a person’s actions: virtue ethics, deontological ethics, and teleological ethics. We can approach a moral dilemma using each theory. Consider the moral dilemma of Jean Valjean, from Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables: Years after committing a crime, Jean Valjean has recreated himself in a town as a public benefactor and mayor. One day, another man is arrested for a petty crime and identified as Jean. At first, Jean believes thatRead MoreAn Ethical Dilemma1276 Words  | 6 Pages| An Ethical Dilemma | | Mary Ryan 8/27/2012 | Ethical dilemmas come up often within the workplace and can be difficult to handle when an employee needs to choose between what’s right and what’s wrong based on their own morals and principals. Handling ethical issues should be pursued in a steady and cautious approach towards matters that can potentially be dangerous or illegal. (Mayhew) One ethical dilemma that I was caught in the middle of left me in a position where I was almostRead MoreCritical Review On Moral Reasoning3548 Words  | 15 Pagesfinancial scandals, there has been an increased attention given to ethics and moral reasoning and increasing chuck of literature devoted to the topic of moral reasoning. Definition In making and implementing decisions, one puts widely accepted ethical principles, vocation, values, character and spiritual resources, into practice, highlighting its’ importance in an individual’s life. Ethics is a widely researched area, with research being focused on different subsections of ethics. According toRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma of Sexual Appeal in Advertising Essay2621 Words  | 11 PagesJustin D. Clegg Comms 300 Media Law M. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analysis of Research on Caffeines Effects on Mood...
1. A) What general topic is the author addressing? The author is addressing whether caffeine can have an affect on mood dimensions of arousal versus a subject feeling pleasant. The author also addresses whether these arousals will influence memory in either of two ways. First, arousal through learning, and second through altered mood states through learning and recall (Herz,1999). B) What have other researchers already discovered about this topic? Other researchers have found that caffeine is one of the most psychoactive substances consumed (Gilbert, 1984). Several studies have showed significant findings in which caffeine can affect effects in mood including increasing rates of happiness, well being, calmness, and alertness (Zwyghuizen-Doorenbos, Roehrs, Lipschutz, Timms, Roth, 1990). It has also been shown though research that caffeine can elicit anger, anxiety, and nervousness depending on the dose given to participants. Low doses are more likely to increase feelings of happiness, and positive thoughts, while higher doses can elicit anxiety and nervousness. Alcohol has also been researched with its affect on memory. Participants whom had consumed alcohol were more likely to recall more words in a memory test rather than when they were not intoxicated. Through this research it has been argued that drugs achieve their affects on memory by the effects of a pa rticipants mood (Bower, 1981). C) How does the current study follow from previous research? What is new about
Monday, December 9, 2019
Emerson Drive - Countrified free essay sample
As the song says â€Å"everybody needs some†, Emerson Drive. Their newest C.D â€Å"Countrified†is a great C.D with awesome songs. This is the best C.D I have heard by them. The Emerson Drive C.D â€Å"Countrified†has eleven songs, most of which are upbeat and fast. Three songs are two of their new ones on the radio, â€Å"Moments†, and â€Å"You Still Own Me†. It also include their version of â€Å"Devil Went Down to Georgia†, originally by Charly Daniels. Comparing it to most country music, this is highly original. It is more modern then most country and generally upbeat. As I state this , an example is break-up songs. On this C.D there is a fast pace, up beat, break-up song, called â€Å"Painted to Much of This Town†, and compared to things like Racal Flatts â€Å"What Hurts the Most†this is extremely upbeat. One of my favorite songs on this C. We will write a custom essay sample on Emerson Drive Countrified or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page D, is track one, â€Å"A Good Man†. This song is about what a guy wants, his dream, as it says â€Å"My dreams arent that complicated. I wanna be the one when all is said and done, who lived a good life loved a good wife and always helped some one in trouble. On the day they lay me down, I want everyone to gather round and say he was a father, brother, neighbor, and a friend. He was a good man.†This is a very positive, upbeat, fast song and compared to most country music this is very unique. â€Å"You Still Own Me†, is the newest song on the radio, and track five on this C.D. This song is an upbeat, fast, love song which is strange because most love songs in country music are very slow, such as Trisha Yearwoods â€Å"Thinkin About You†. This is a change which makes the song very good. This is about a guy saying no matter where he goes or what he does the girl still owns all of his love, like it says â€Å"I can go were I wanna go, do what I wanna do, say what I wanna say, but baby, you still own me.†My least favorite song is â€Å"Countrified Soul†. I dont like the words to this song and it gets very annoying. It is an upbeat song with random word choice, for example one part of the chorus is â€Å"moonshine, down home party time, liven loose and letting go, and keep my countrified soul†, that I extremely dislike. The only good thing about it is that it is highly original. The last song on the C.D, is Emerson Drives version of â€Å"Devil Went Down to Georgia†. This is a good song, but not when they sing it. They messed with a part when the devil was playing the fiddle. They added piano/ keyboard and made it sound really weird. I wanted to hear it when I read it was there on the back of the case, but after I heard it, it was†¦never again Overall this is a good C.D, but some songs are really annoying. Generally with this C.D if you dont like a song you will absolutely hate it. I recommend this to Emerson Drive fans, country music fans, and actually also Racal Flatts fans. Out of 1-5 stars I give it 41/2.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Code of Ethics for Engineers
One of the main conditions of the modern society’s successful development is its dependence on the moral principles and canons which are worked out and accepted by the society in order to regulate the character of relations within it. Moral principles belong to the field of ethics which influences all the aspects of the people’s life.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Code of Ethics for Engineers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, people are oriented to following the moral norms which are developed to control the elements of their personal life and interpersonal relations, and there are also moral codes and canons which can be successfully used for realizing business activities and business relations. These principles are in the field of the business ethics. Moreover, each profession has its own code of ethics according to which the relations within the definite industry or company are realize d. It is important that the codes of ethics for different professions as the aspects of the people’s life depend on the traditional approaches to moral norms and principles which were argued by such philosophers as Aristotle, Kant, and Bentham. Thus, the canons, rules of practice, and professional obligations for engineers are based on the elements of the ethics developed by these philosophers in the context of the person’s voluntary nature to perform this or that action, with dependence on his or her moral duty for this action, or on discussing this action according to its right or wrong consequences. It is stated in the preamble to the code of ethics for engineers that â€Å"the services provided by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare†(â€Å"NSPE Code of Ethics†). Thus, the activity of engineers as professionals is oriented to those moral concep ts which are also accentuated as influential ones in the persons’ everyday life. Furthermore, these concepts are also associated with the group of moral virtues such as truthfulness, forgiveness, and integrity which were determined by Aristotle. Shrader-Frechette indicates with references to Aristotle that â€Å"one can deliberate only about what is within one’s power to do†(Shrader-Frechette 187). That is why engineers should focus on their specific responsibilities with paying attention to their code of ethics which regulates the moral aspect of the relations between the employers, employees, partners, and clients.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The code of ethics for engineers is based on a range of the fundamental canons in relation to which the rules of practice and professional obligations are stated. Thus, engineers should â€Å"hold paramount the safety, h ealth, and welfare of the public†(â€Å"NSPE Code of Ethics†). That is why engineers should orient to the necessities of the public, and one of the engineers’ professional obligations is based on this principle, and it is formulated in such a way that â€Å"engineers shall at all times strive to serve the public interest†(â€Å"NSPE Code of Ethics†). In this case, Bentham’s ideas about the benefits of the actions are met, and Kant’s categories of the universal law and the moral duty are realized according to which a person uses his or her will and control the actions in order to address the interests of the society (Birks; Velasquez). These notions are addressed in the context of engineers’ rules of practice in which the main accents are made on the justice, legitimacy, and truthfulness. The mentioned principles are also associated with the canon according to which engineers should â€Å"issue public statements only in an obj ective and truthful manner†(â€Å"NSPE Code of Ethics†). Thus, objectivity and truthfulness as the representations of Aristotle’s moral virtues become the main aspects of the positive atmosphere of the professional communication. One of the rules of practice for engineers states that they â€Å"shall perform services only in the areas of their competence†(â€Å"NSPE Code of Ethics†). Why is this rule so significant with references to the ethical canons? A person should be always responsible for his or her actions. The person’s actions should be supported by the sincere desire of realizing the good action and motivation to do it in relation to the highest good to which it is aimed. Thus, Aristotle indicates that there are many goods which depend not only on the virtues and the balance between the extremes but also on the human voluntary nature and the person’s intention to reach the happiness in the life (Curzer).Advertising We w ill write a custom essay sample on The Code of Ethics for Engineers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If Aristotle accentuates the human voluntary nature, Bentham develops this notion and indicates that people in their actions should orient to the benefits which could satisfy a number of persons. That is why these actions should be not only good but also competent. Moreover, the person’s actions should be so good that they could be perceived as addressed to the universal laws and that is why, according to Kant, they should form the categorical imperative. Thus, not to make harm to those people who are involved in the process, engineers should be competent in their actions and be responsible for their performing. Engineers’ professional obligations also include such a point according to which engineers should â€Å"adhere to the principles of sustainable development in order to protect the environment for future generatio ns†(â€Å"NSPE Code of Ethics†). The problem of the technological sustainability is closely connected with the possible technological risks which can be the results of the industry’s activity. Shrader-Frechette argues the fringe between the advantages of those technologies which are risky and the moral obligation of those persons who are involved in their producing (Shrader-Frechette). If the person’s moral task is to orient to the benefits for the people, is it possible to realize the hazardous technologies which can be harmful for the public and nature? According to the ideas of Utilitarianism, these technologies have both the right and wrong consequences for various people and different aspects of life (Birks). However, according to Kant’s principles such a situation is morally wrong because it is not universally good (Velasquez). To present the universally good actions, a person should not be influenced by any other opinions or visions of this or that issue. From this point, Aristotle emphasizes the necessity of the personal self-control and liberality as one of the influential virtues (Curzer).Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To be satisfied and happy without the inclination to experience the impact of the other people’s ideas on the morality, an individual should be independent and should not concentrate on his or her financial state and as a result, betray the moral principles. However, one of the main risks for the person is the orientation to the pleasure which is accentuated as an important concept by Aristotle and Bentham. People can also strive to reach the pleasure with references to immoral or wrong actions. That is why it is mentioned in the list of the engineers’ professional obligations that they â€Å"shall not be influenced in their professional duties by conflicting interests†(â€Å"NSPE Code of Ethics†). This obligation is associated with the problem of the person’s moral choice. In spite of the fact the majority of people are inclined to admit the necessity of following the life according to the moral virtues proclaimed by Aristotle and according to th e principles stated by Kant and Bentham, a person always tries to find the most beneficial approach for his or her, and this approach can be based on any bad factors which can lead to the negative consequences. Thus, the origins of the person’s morality and the person’s own code of ethics are in his voluntary nature which forms motivation and in his will and duty. To follow the universal moral laws or live according to the moral virtues are not an easy task, but according to the philosophers, it is a single way to the happy life full of pleasures which is in harmony with the laws of nature. That is why people develop the codes of ethics in relation to which it is possible to regulate the aspects of life in society and also use these principles in the organization of their professional activity. Any company functions as a group of people which are in constant relations, and to guarantee the development of the company with a minimum of negative and conflict situations, i t is necessary to work out the code of ethics according to which the interactions are regulated and controlled. Moreover, many professions have their specific features which should be also reflected in the code. That is why the code of ethics for engineers which depends on the main moral principles is significant for the profession’s development. Works Cited Birks, Thomas Rawson. Modern Utilitarianism; or, the Systems of Paley, Bentham, and Mill Examined and Compared. USA: Nabu Press, 2010. Print. Curzer, Howard. Aristotle and the virtues. USA: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print. NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers 2006. Web. Shrader-Frechette, Kristin. â€Å"Technology and Ethics†. Philosophy of technology. Eds. Robert Scharff and Val Dusek. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2003. 187-190. Print. Velasquez, Manuel. â€Å"Moral Reasoning†. The Blackwell Guide to Business Ethics. Ed. Norman E. Bowie. USA: Blackwell, 2002. 102-116. Print. This essay on The Code of Ethics for Engineers was written and submitted by user Arjun Morgan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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